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Land your dream job in half the time!


You can have it all.

You deserve a fulfilling career that doesn't drain your energy and the chance to pursue your dreams, whether it's a new career path or starting your venture.

You're a talented professional with the potential to lead and excel, but you need guidance—someone to lead you step by step on your journey, whether it's finding your ideal career or launching something new.

That's why I've created this for you.


The Get Hired Club with your coach, Stephanie Cully 

What I can do for you

The Get Hired Club helps job seekers land a job more quickly through job search strategies, networking, mock interviews, personal branding, and more to stand out. 

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What's Inside the Get Hired Club:

  • Weekly LIVE meetings where you get help on job search strategies such as branding, practicing mock interviews, resumes and more.
  • Templates to help you in your networking outreach.
  • Tips on where to go to gain experience if you're a career transitioner.

Why I created this program…

I experienced the challenges of imposter syndrome and the struggle to land a job throughout my career which is why I am passionate about helping others overcome these obstacles. I firmly believe that everyone with the drive and determination should have the opportunity to achieve professional success. Our program is designed to ensure that you have the resources and support needed to make a smooth transition into a rewarding career.

I have assisted hundreds of individuals in their quest to land their dream job, 90% of whom had no prior tech experience.  Dozens of them have secured six-figure remote jobs.




Group Coaching Client

"I got the final deal today and I start working on the 10th!"


Group Coaching Client

“It is true that anyone can become a certified Scrum Master, so it is ultimately experience and practice that will set you apart. This Immersion program will provide just that-immersion, experience, and confidence."


Group Coaching Client

“I landed a fully remote position and I give credit to the Immersion Program.”

Ashley B.

Group and 1-on-1 Coaching Client

“Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about the Immersion Program.”


Group Coaching Client 

"After the program, I gained the confidence to apply for roles as a Scrum Master."